
I am looking to work with students and postdocs interested in tropical meteorology. If you are interested in learning more about my research and working with me, please send me an email.

Open Positions

Fall 2024: Along with Prof. Peter Hitchcock (aph28@cornell.edu), I am seeking to work jointly with a graduate student on troposphere-stratosphere coupling in the tropics. If you are interested, please send me an email.

Graduate Students

Students apply to the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences graduate program at Cornell. The deadline for Fall 2024 admission is January 1st, 2024. If the application fee represents a financial hardship, you may apply for a fee waiver. Students who are accepted to the program receive a stipend. See here for more details. Funding is typically a mixture of research assistantships, teaching assistanships, and fellowships.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students interested in doing research in tropical meteorology should reach out to me. There is a possibiltiy of doing research for course credit, a thesis project, or as a summer internship. In general, it is good to have some background in math, physics, and coding.